The Monarch Bike is our original beach cruiser. It's perfect for strolling bike rides down beach promenades and small enough to stash just anywhere.
Our most popular beach cruiser, adorned with a white basket and bell for those who use their cruiser for any of those weekend errands.
For those who want to stand out, our Crimson bike only comes in red, festooned with black details and built to have a hyrbid cruiser, road bike look.
Named after our founder's wife, because this is her favorite bike! Built with a family in mind, as it has an easy buggy attachment to pull along your kids.
The Jade is our newest kid's bike. It comes standard with training wheels making it the perfect starter bike for your little ones.
The Gemini is our only tandem bike for those who don't want to ride alone. It's built for room and comfort and folds for easy storage.
Your bike should be just as tech as you are. This new bike is built with bluetooth speakers, a mount for your apple watch, and an electric hybrid mode.
The Mini is named for it's light frame and foldability. It folds into 1/4 of it's size and stores perfectly under any standard bed. Perfect for apartment dwellers.